Conference Program Overview

SIG Meeting Allocations:


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research

Arts Education Practice Research

Assessment and Measurement

Children and student voice across all sectors

Cultural Historical and Activity Theory

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse education

Early Childhood

Educational Leadership

Educational Philosophy and Theory

Environmental and Sustainability Education

Gender, Sexualities & Cultural Studies

Global Contexts for Education

Health and Physical Education

History and Education

Inclusive Education


Language and Literacy

Motivation and Learning

Politics and Policy in Education

Poststructural Theory

Professional and Higher Education

Qualitative Research Methodologies

Rural Education

Schools and Education Systems

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Social Justice

Sociology of Education

Teacher Education and Research Innovation

Technology and Learning

Teachers' Work and Lives

Conference Organiser
Think Business Events

Level 1, 4 Anderson Street, Port Melbourne VIC 3207

Tel: +61 3 9417 1350


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